This has been a year of ground work for me, both personal and in business. On the personal front, I’ve got to the bottom of some issues. This was a goal I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I’ve floundered about with this for 20 years, and finally made the decision to find the right person and stick with it until what I was experiencing made sense. The person I found has been able to help on both a personal and a business level. And while I thought that getting to the bottom of the issues would be the end, I’ve realised it’s only just the beginning, and the work will have to be ongoing. But it’s all good – with personal growth comes personal strength. A little bit of self love and self care is going to be imperative to the success of this.
My business did take a bit of a knock while this was going on. But at the same time I picked up some amazing regular clients, and built up a team of transcribers. I have decided to undertake a new approach to subcontracting (I’d really been put off it in the past), did some planning and building, and now I’m ready to fly again.

I do think it’s important to set yourself personal and business goals. I’ve started with setting monthly goals. November’s was achieved, and I’m busy working on December’s. On the personal front it’s to bring my diabetes under control, which took a big knock. I used Black Friday to grab some great deals on courses that will help me build my business. On the business front it’s to market, grow and manage so that I have a great base from which to launch in January. I’ll be here during December, while only taking a few days off between Christmas and New Year, and it’s usually a good month to get systems back in place, catch up on admin and do a general clean up.
I hope that some of you will join me in goal setting and achieving.
And with that said, remember to send your transcribing, proofreading, editing or any other service you need assistance with.