Audio File formats working on Express Scribe

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Hi all. I received this question regarding transcription and decided to answer it on my blog. 

Question: “I definitely want to include transcription as a service later on in my business.  I am in the process of learning and reading all there is about transcription.
I would say the best way to get into it all would be to actually do transcription exercises by transcribing from audio files that you load onto Express Scribe.

Now that is where my problem starts.  The only thing I can get loaded on Express Scribe is songs from a CD.  Now when I try to load a voice recording that was recorded with a cellular phone ( Samsung Galaxy Note) , and then emailed to me, I can not seem to get it loaded.  It says “the 3ga format is not supported by Express Scribe”.

Either I am trying to load voice recordings that can not be loaded on Express Scribe, or I am going about this all wrong.
Is there certain software I need to make audio files like voice recordings able to load onto Express Scribe?  I probably need to save the voice recordings as another type of file or I do not know!  Could it be that it must be voice recordings from certain devices other than a cellular phone?  I do not know what I must do to get it right as I do not even know what I`m doing wrong.  I am really eager to do this!
Please can you give me some advice on this matter?  It would be greatly appreciated!”

Hi there. I think the basic answer to this is that Express Scribe is not compatible with all file formats.  See here to see which ones they are compatible with.  The paid or pro version of Express Scribe can play more formats than the free one can. 

However, all is not lost. One of my favourite programs is a free download called Any Audio Converter. It can also be a bit of a misnomer, as it does NOT convert ANY audio and I actually think that 3ga is one of the ones it doesn’t do. But it does convert most of them into formats that can be played with the free Express Scribe. However, that doesn’t really answer your question.  So here’s what does. The internet is our friend. It tells us the answer to most things, including how to get 3ga converted to MP3, which works in Express Scribe. See this link, the author of which has found the solution to your particular problem:

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