If you have been subjected to emotional neglect, it stands to reason that your emotional reserves are probably empty. No validation, no acknowledgement, no love, no hugs – EVER. And you cannot get it from the sources that anyone else who has been emotionally acknowledged their whole lives may get it.
Granted, most virtual assistants and transcriptionists are fortunate enough not to be in that position, but our very positions are draining, very tiring, people don’t always understand what we are doing, we may have kids going through things, pets, households to run. In general women don’t take enough care of themselves. And these are just the every day things, so generally we chug along. But what happens when something unexpected happens, and we simply have no emotional reserves to draw on? That’s when we crash and burn. And I don’t know about you, but I find it very hard to run a business then.
So I’m starting a social media campaign this week, #fillouremotionalreserves, and every day I will think of something to do that fills mine. I hope that you will join me in this. Eskom has just announced loadshedding which will make it 100 times more challenging, but nevertheless, let’s do this. I have a couple of things in mind, I’ve never watched Steel Magnolias or Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so I’m going to do those. I’ve just landed my first real writing client, and I’m going to enjoy and dedicate a whole day to doing her work. I’m going to gym, tennis and read. And I’ll tweet about this this week.
I challenge you to join me. Let’s #fillouremotionalreserves this week.