Santa Shoebox

Sharing is caring!

Hey everybody, 

There are many people who would like to give a little extra at Christmas but don’t know how. It’s not easy to get to a place to drop off donations, or you don’t know specific organisations or places or people to give to, or you need a little direction. 

The Santa Shoebox project needs your help. And it’s also something your company can do …. to fill that corporate social investment need. 

The Santa Shoebox Project is an inspiring community initiative of the Kidz2Kidz Trust (IT2671/2009, PBO 930031301 Section18A NPO 102-098) that co-ordinates the donation, collection and distribution of personalized gifts at Christmas time to underprivileged children across South Africa and Namibia. 

Participating is a profoundly valuable and personal experience with each donor selecting the child he or she chooses to pledge a Santa Shoebox for by name, gender and age. 


They have 85,000 boxes pledged and they need to get to 100,000. We can’t have some children not receiving anything while their friends do. Get to it!! Typewrite Transcription is fully in support of this initiative and salutes the Santa Shoebox organisers.
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