Non-traditional Marketing

Sharing is caring!

Today I would like to talk briefly about offline marketing or non traditional marketing. I must admit that when I started my business in 2005, and for many years thereafter, I marketed entirely online. And this works great. Initially, I used my website, this blog, my Facebook business page (when it became available), submitted to directories like Gumtree, etc, etc. It was a 24 hour job to get my name out there, and I didn’t rest, doing it night after night while I had my full time job, and day and night after night after I began doing it full time.

However, last year a friend of mine started his own business and I followed his progress with interest, noting his style of marketing his business offline. He went the whole hog getting Tshirts done, pens and other corporate products made. I don’t necessarily advocate this type of approach when your business is going to be mainly online, but it does depend on the type of service you offer and how big your company is going to be.

At that stage I remembered that I HAD done some offline marketing in my time of starting the business. I printed notices, brochures, etc and distributed them at all the local shopping centres including pinning them up on notice boards. I walked the streets of our suburb flat distributing brochures and telling people what I did.

Last year however on the back of my friend promoting his business, I entered into a barter agreement with a local printing company and had them print brochures for me. These I hand out EVERYWHERE.

What do you do for your offline marketing activities?

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