Five things Typewrite Transcription is… and one thing it isn’t.

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Hello everyone. By now I think most people will be into their working year – I certainly am – so with that, all the best for 2020. Even now as we enter the third decade of this millennium, some people are confused about what the virtual industry is, and more specifically (possibly) what THIS virtual provider offers.

Typewrite Transcription and Typing Services CC is:

  1. A business. The business was registered in 2009 and has been going strong ever since. We run like a business with overheads, income and expenses and we ARE A business. Like any business, we have a certain set of services we provide.
  2. A provider of proofreading and editing services. We are based in South Africa but can service England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America and the whole of Europe – because of the internet. With many years of experience in this field, we are a well-respected player in this field and have references available.
  3. A provider of transcribing services and typing services. See above.
  4. A versatile business which can meet your specific needs and tailormake our services to meet your requirements. Don’t be daunted by the list of services and rates described elsewhere on this website. They are guidelines, and if you contact us, we’ll do our best to meet your needs.
  5. Driven by a good work ethic. Clients will always be treated with respect, and every endeavour made to ensure that needs are met. You will never catch a rude or impolite correspondence from us.

Typewrite Transcription and Typing Services CC is NOT:


  1. A secretary. This is a business, not an employee, and cannot be treated like an employee. BECAUSE it’s a business and not an employee, we cover our own overheads, treat each client with the respect they deserve, plan and juggle, and pretty much run a tight ship to ensure everyone’s needs are met. From our own offices. We are your equal as a business.