What have I learnt in business this year

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Alison Fourie of AMF Typing shared this post earlier on today. We thought it was very interesting and beneficial.

The one thing I have learnt in business this year, and I think it’s because I have been more aware of it this year than before, is that I never stop learning, I’ve built my skills up nicely this year to be even more of a benefit to my clients. Everyone thinks typing is just typing. It’s not, I’ve improved my word processing skills considerably. I’ve taken the time to learn the little things in word, powerpoint etc, my graphics skills have improved a lot. I build graphics which I’ve no idea how to do, yet when finished my efforts are sometimes pretty good and can match a graphic designer, so I’m told. I’ve really been an asset to my clients and my clients have shown appreciation of that so it is worthwhile to go the extra mile

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