Have a great Resumé

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Why is it so important to have a great CV or Resumé?

1. Often your CV or Resumé is the first indication a potential employer has that you are interested in working for him. As we all know, first impressions count.

2. Your CV or Resumé is probably your first opportunity to show a potential employer what you are capable of. It is in effect a presentation. An untidy, inaccurate one will present a bad impression of you but a neat, accurate, grammatically correct professionally presented one will show the employer you mean business. Having a second person with expertise in presentation draw up your CV or Resumé is added insurance that you will not make grammatical errors.

3. It’s a written testimony to your capabilities, your achievements, what type of personality you have, your experience and your education.

4. It’s a one stop document where a potential employer can see all he needs to know at a moment’s notice. It’s imperative to make sure all that information is there.

All of the above points will make your resumé stand out from the crowd.

Have a great Resumé!

Contact me at gpaynter@telkomsa.net / www.typewritetranscription.co.za to do a great CV or Resumé for you!!